Wednesday, 24 July, 2024

392 Jobs Opportunities- Balochistan Public Service Commission (Health Department)

392 Jobs Opportunities- Balochistan Public Service Commission (Health Department)
Consolidated advertisement no. 09/2013

Health Department

Nine (09) posts of Gynaecologist (B-18) .
Two (02) posts of Chest Specialist (B-18).
Six (06) posts of Orthopedic Surgeon (B-18).
Thirty five (35) posts of Anaesthetist (B-18).
Twenty four (24) posts of E.N.T Specialist (B-18).
Fifteen (15) posts of Paediatrician (B-18).
Twenty eight (28) posts of General Surgeon (B-18).
Twenty seven (27) posts of Pathologist (B-18).
Twenty one (21) posts of Opthalmologist (B-18).
One (01) post of chest Surgeon (B-18).
Two (02) posts of Gastroentologist (B-18).
Thirty seven (37) posts of General Physician (B-18).
Seven (07) posts of Radiologist (B-18).
Two (02) posts of cardiologist (B-18).
Two (02) posts of chest physician (B-18).
One (01) post of radiotherapist (B-18).
Two (02) posts of psychiatrist (B-18).
Sixteen (16) posts of paediatric surgeon (B-18).
Four (04) posts of optometrist (B-18).
Ninety one(91) posts of medical officer (male) (B-17).
Five (05) posts of lady medical officer (B-17).
Thirty six (36) posts of pharmacist/drug analyst(B-17).
Ninteen (19) posts of dental surgeon (B-17).

Closing date for receipt 0f applications is 5th August, 2013.
For details CLICK HERE

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